Dream Team

“Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much” ― Helen Keller


My First Supporter

My journey into Nutrition and Wellness Coaching started out by looking at my own health needs. Sadly aged thirty six I accepted I was over weight.  My body fat percentage was too high for my age. My muscle mass showed a need for improvement. I was also very dehydrated.

img_1266I’ll never forget the day my nutritional programme arrived.  Mark and I were in the early stages of our relationship.  I had travelled to Banbury to spend some time with him.  My nutritional pack was delivered to his house.  I was excited and couldn’t wait to get started. In that moment Mark became my first supporter. We’ve been together for five years now.


He is my best friend and a brilliant supporter of my ambitions.  We work very well as a team.

My First Customer

I had never tried traditional dieting.  I needed to make some small powerful lifestyle changes.  I enthusiastically started my nutritional plan.  My main focus was on my breakfast.  Then I found a way incorporating moderate exercise back into my life. Soon it wasn’t long before I started to see results. After my confidence grew I wanted to help others.

“I’m sure that my mom would have been happy with any path I chose” – Joely Fisher

img_1624My Mum Sharday was one of the first people I approached. After trying my products sadly Mum told me the nutritional plan wasn’t for her.  I felt dismayed but appreciated her initial support.  I continued to stick to my plan.  My results became more obvious.  My energy levels had improved.  My skin was glowing and I was dropping dresses sizes. A few months later Mum decided to give my products another try.  Thankfully she has continued with her plan.  I love being her Wellness Coach. Her attitude is fantastic. Every week she is a achieving amazing results.


Our MasterMind Group

Are you familiar with the work of Napoleon Hill?  In his best selling book Think and Grow Rich he encourages us to surround ourselves with MasterMind Group (MMG). Mark and my Mum are the main members of my MMG.


Are you working on living the life of your dreams?  One of my life goals is to become a full time Speaker and Wellness Coach.  My MMG are aware of my vision, goals and dreams.

Am I a day dreamer?  Sometimes my confidence is low. I’ve questioned my ability to succeed. There are days when I’ve wanted to quit.  Mark is fantastic at reminding me of the plans we’re making.  Also during these times my Mum’s utter belief in me that keeps me going.

Mark is my partner in life and business.  I am grateful for his support and love.  Our fitcampers are used to seeing him with a camera.  We love to capture as many moments of our journey as possible.  My Mum one of my best customers, she is also a major part of my team.  My Mum is fondly known as ‘Herbal Mama’ within our fitcamp.  I owe so much gratitude to her for love, support and encouragement.  Working together as a team is a great family experience.  I am very blessed!

I am also very passionate about helping people improve their financial prosperity. People need an extra income  for a range of reasons.  In 2012, my training workshops were not taking off as quickly as I’d hoped.  I was quickly getting myself into debt including falling behind on my rent! By 2013, my relationship with my teenage children was in a very difficult place.  I was mentally and emotionally drained. I was living in a small market town and unable to find a permanent job.  I needed an income stream that was based on my efforts and determination to succeed.

My Business Partners 

I was looking online for proven ways to increase my income streams. I was open minded about new opportunities.  After listening to my mentor Jim Rohn, I across a remarkable opportunity. Now over six years later (in 2019)  I can honestly say my home based business has truly changed my life!   Please let me introduce you to my business partner, Katrina.  She has been involved in this amazing business for fifteen years.  Katrina’s home based business activities are done around her full time role.

“I stumbled across the nutritional programme in 2004 and dropped from a size 14 to a 10 in a very short space in time, as you can see from my pictures. My energy soared through the roof and I felt absolutely fantastic”.  – Katrina, Portsmouth


Katrina, Ideal Breakfast Promoter, Portsmouth

“The great thing is that I have now kept this weight off for over 10 years now & feel better than I did in my 20’s!”

Fast forward now I am the happiest I’ve been in years!  I am in a supportive and loving relationship.  My children have forgiven me for the painful decisions I was forced to make in the past to survive living from day to day.  I have a great new career working within education again.  Plus my life is fulfilled as I work  part time to help more people improve their health and well-being.

My vision is to help more people live the life of their dreams.  Who do you know? I love encouraging and coaching others.  I have learnt lessons and skills that are adding value to people’s lives.